Friday, July 12

Owning your stories

the concept of "Owning your stories" is such a powerful and liberating one. I feel like in our society we are constantly forced to succumb to an "ideal" personality that will fit within the standards of normality. Individuality may be rewarded but is hard-earned. That's why when we find those individuals who truly stand out above the crowd, our lives are almost always impacted by their touch. This is the case with fellow dreamer and activist Angy Rivera, one of the most radical, brutally honest and beautiful dreamers I've ever come to know in this movement. The film No Le Digas A Nadie released a trailer yesterday along with a fundraiser campaign to finish the production. I hope that after watching the trailer, her life touches your own life and inspires you to come out if you need to, or at least support the film.
This tumblr site, Project Unbreakable:"The Art of Healing" has a lot to do with one of the themes in the film and I wanted to share it because I was very touched by the courage of these women to tell their stories of domestic violence and sexual abuse. Own your story. Connect. Empower other to own theirs. Whether you are LGBTQ, a victim of sexual abuse, undocumented, or anything! Own your story. It's yours, it's special, it's unique